Category: Bullish MACD

Chart Scan – Jun 27, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 27, 2024

BHS.V – Bayhorse Silver Inc.

BRC.V – Blackrock Silver Corp.

CAD.V – Colonial Coal International Corp.

CNC.V – Canada Nickel Company Inc.

COCO.V – Coast Copper Corp.

DAN.V – Arianne Phosphate Inc.

FFOX.V – FireFox Gold Corp.

FPC.V – Falco Resources Ltd.

HEVI.V – Helium Evolution Inc.

ION.V – Ion Energy Ltd.

MUN.V – Mundoro Capital Inc.

NAM.V – New Age Metals Inc.

NCX.V – Northisle Copper & Gold Inc.

NSE.V – New Stratus Energy Inc.

OSIX.V – Oceansix Future Paths Ltd.

PNG.V – Kraken Sonar Inc.

QYOU.V – Qyou Media Inc.

RAGE.V – Renegade Gold Inc.

RVG.V – Revival Gold, Inc.

SKP.V – StrikePoint Gold Inc.

SOI.V – Sirios Resources Inc.

TGM.V – Trillium Gold Mines Inc.

VLI.V – Vision Lithium Inc.

WHN.V – Westhaven Gold Corp.

XIM.V – Ximen Mining Corp.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

We are not held liable or responsible for the information in press releases issued by the companies discussed in these blog. Please do your own due diligence.

Chart Scan – Jun 26, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 26, 2024

AIS.V – A.I.S. Resources Ltd.

AZT.V – Aztec Minerals Corp.

CELL.V – Grid Battery Metals Inc.

CH.V – Charbone Hydrogen Corp.

DAU.V – Desert Gold Ventures Inc.

DEFN.V – Defense Metals Corp.

ETU.V – E2Gold Inc.

FG.V – Falcon Gold Corp.

FIND.V – Baselode Energy Corp.

FOR.V – Fortune Bay Corp.

GUG.V – Gungnir Resources Inc.

IXI.V – Indigo Exploration Inc.

LVG.V – Lake Victoria Gold Ltd.

MYID.V – Reklaim Ltd.

OMM.V – Omineca Mining and Metals Ltd.

OPHR.V – Ophir Gold Corp.

PER.V – Peruvian Metals Corp.

PLSR.V – Pulsar Helium Inc.

ROVR.V – Rover Metals Corp.

SHL.V – Spruce Ridge Resources Ltd.

SPA.V – Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd.

VXTR.V – Voxtur Analytics Corp.

TOY.TO – Spin Master Corp.

YGR.TO – Yangarra Resources Ltd.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

We are not held liable or responsible for the information in press releases issued by the companies discussed in these blog. Please do your own due diligence.

Chart Scan – Jun 25, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 25, 2024

AFM.V – Alphamin Resources Corp.

ALTA.V – Altamira Gold Corp.

BAY.V – Aston Bay Holdings Ltd.

CGC.V – Canadian Gold Corp.

GGM.V – Granada Gold Mine Inc.

GT.V – GT Resources Inc.

LITH.V – Lithium Chile Inc.

MDX.V – MedX Health Corp.

MMS.V – MacArthur Minerals Ltd.

MTX.V – Metalex Ventures Ltd.

OCI.V – Orecap Invest Corp.

SCLT.V – Searchlight Resources Inc.

SNAG.V – Silver North Resources Ltd.

UGD.V – Unigold Inc.

VLT.V – Volt Lithium Corp.

VPT.V – Ventripoint Diagnostics Ltd.

FF.TO – First Mining Gold Corp.

HQD.TO – BetaPro NASDAQ100 2x Daily Bear ETF

LUC.TO – Lucara Diamond Corp.

MG.TO – Magna Intl, Inc.

PPR.TO – Prairie Provident Resources Inc.

SGNL.TO – Signal Gold Inc.

STGO.TO – Steppe Gold Ltd.

XLY.TO – Auxly Cannabis Group, Inc.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

We are not held liable or responsible for the information in press releases issued by the companies discussed in these blog. Please do your own due diligence.

Chart Scan – Jun 24, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 24, 2024

BRW.V – Brunswick Exploration Inc.

BTR.V – Bonterra Resources Inc.

COR.V – Camino Minerals Corp.

CVV.V – CanAlaska Uranium Ltd.

CYM.V – Cymat Technologies Ltd.

DGO.V – Durango Resources Inc.

FTZ.V – Fitzroy Minerals Inc.

FUU.V – F3 Uranium Corp.

GMV.V – GMV Minerals Inc.

GRG.V – Golden Arrow Resources Corp.

ILI.V – Infinite Lithium Corp.

LPS.V – Legend Power Systems Inc.

MVY.V – Moovly Media Inc.

NOC.V – Norseman Silver Inc.

OSS.V – OneSoft Solutions Inc.

PLAN.V – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc.

PTU.V – Purepoint Uranium Group, Inc.

PX.V – Pelangio Exploration Inc.

SAY.V – Sparta Capital Ltd.

TORQ.V – Torq Resources, Inc.

VCT.V – Volt Carbon Technologies Inc.

WRLG.V – West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

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Chart Scan – Jun 21, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 21, 2024

BES.V – Braille Energy Systems Inc.

BRO.V – Barksdale Resources Corp.

CAF.V – Canaf Investments Inc.

CEI.V – Coelacanth Energy Inc.

GFG.V – GFG Resources Inc

IGO.V – Independence Gold Corp.

INTR.V – Intrepid Metals Corp.

KORE.V – Kore Mining Ltd

LGN.V – Logan Energy Corp.

MFG.V – Mayfair Gold Corp.

OIII.V – O3 Mining Inc.

OZAU.V – Queensland Gold Hills Corp.

QTWO.V – Q2 Metals Corp.

SASK.V – ATHA Energy Corp.

SCAN.V – Liberty Defense Holdings Ltd.

SCOT.V – Scottie Resources Corp.

SGN.V – Scorpio Gold Corp.

SGO.V – Sonoro Gold Corp.

SMO.V – Sonoro Metals Corp.

SVE.V – Silver One Resources Inc.

SYH.V – Skyharbour Resources Ltd.

TRU.V – TRU Precious Metals Corp.

WWT.V – Water Ways Technologies Inc.

XPLR.V – Xplore Resources Corp.

ZEN.V – Zentek Ltd.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

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Chart Scan – Jun 20, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 20, 2024

AEC.V – Anfield Energy Inc.

APGO.V – Apollo Silver Corp.

CSO.V – Corsa Coal Corp.

CTG.V – Centenario Gold Corp.

EMM.V – Giyani Metals Corp.

EV.V – Erin Ventures Inc.

GGI.V – Garibaldi Resources Corp.

HME.V – Hemisphere Energy Corp.

KTO.V – K2 Gold Corp.

NEV.V – Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp.

NGMD.V – NuGen Medical Devices Inc.

PWM.V – Power Metals Corp.

ROK.V – ROK Resources Inc.

USHA.V – Usha Resources Ltd.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

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Chart Scan – Jun 19, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 19, 2024

ACOP.V – Atacama Copper Corp.

AGMR.V – Silver Mountain Resources Incorporation

AUMB.V – 1911 Gold Corporation

BITK.V – BlockchainK2 Corp.

CMIL.V – Capella Minerals Ltd.

ERA.V – Elcora Resources Corp.

FO.V – Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

FRI.V – Freeport Resources Inc.

LILI.V – Li3 Lithium Corp.

LUM.V – Lumina Gold Corp.

MTB.V – Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd.

PERU.V – Chakana Copper Corp.

PTK.V – POET Technologies Inc.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

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Chart Scan – Jun 18, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 18, 2024

KLDC.V – Kirkland Lake Discoveries Corp.

SOLR.V – Solar Alliance Energy, Inc.

TMG.V – Thermal Energy Intl, Inc.

VLI.V – Vision Lithium Inc.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

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Chart Scan – Jun 17, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 17, 2024

CCMI.V – Canadian Critical Minerals Inc.

COSA.V – Cosa Resources Corp.

KNE.V – Kane Biotech Inc.

LCX.V – Lycos Energy Inc.

MENE.V – Mene, Inc.

MIR.V – MedMira, Inc.

NOW.V – NowVertical Group Inc.

OPHR.V – Ophir Gold Corp.

PNG.V – Kraken Sonar Inc.

SBM.V – Sirona Biochem Corp.

WATR.V – ZCurrent Water Technologies Inc.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

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Chart Scan – Jun 14, 2024

Chart Scan – Jun 14, 2024

BSR.V – Bluestone Resources Inc.

CPAU.V – CopAur Minerals Inc.

CRD.V – Copper Road Resources Inc.

DB.V – Decibel Cannabis Company Inc.

ETU.V – E2Gold Inc.

ILI.V – Infinite Lithium Corp.

MTLO.V – Martello Technologies Group, Inc.

SMD.V – Strategic Metals Ltd.

SUU.V – Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp.

WML.V – Wealth Minerals Ltd.

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