Author: TSX Stocks

Chart Scan – Oct 13, 2023

Chart Scan – Oct 13, 2023

CLM.V – Consolidated Lithium Metals Inc.

CUSN.V – Cornish Metals Inc.

CUU.V – Copper Fox Metals, Inc.

EMN.V – Euro Manganese Inc.

EMPR.V – Empress Royalty Corp.

EVNI.V – EV Nickel Inc.

FNC.V – Fancamp Exploration Ltd.

GLD.V – GoldON Resources Ltd.

GOG.V – Golden Tag Resources Ltd.

HPQ.V – HPQ-Silicon Resources, Inc.

MERG.V – Metal Energy Corp.

MVY.V – Moovly Media Inc.

NFG.V – New Found Gold Corp.

TM.V – Trigon Metals Inc.

TMC.V – Trench Metals Corp.

JOY.TO – Journey Energy, Inc.

LBS.TO – Life & Banc Split Corp.

QTRH.TO – Quarterhill Inc.

RSI.TO – Rogers Sugar Inc.

SSL.TO – Sandstorm Gold Ltd.

WILD.TO – WildBrain Ltd

YRB.TO – Yorbeau Resources, Inc.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

We are not held liable or responsible for the information in press releases issued by the companies discussed in these blog. Please do your own due diligence.

Chart Scan – Oct 12, 2023

Chart Scan – Oct 12, 2023

AFM.V – Alphamin Resources Corp.

ARCH.V – Arch Biopartners Inc

AVN.V – Avanti Helium Corp.

BRC.V – Blackrock Silver Corp.

BRO.V – Barksdale Resources Corp.

DAU.V – Desert Gold Ventures Inc.

DEC.V – Decade Resources Ltd.

DM.V – Datametrex AI Ltd.

DYG.V – Dynasty Gold Corp.

FRXI.V – FRX Innovations Inc.

GRDM.V – Grid Metals Corp.

ITR.V – Integra Resources Corp.

JJ.V – Jackpot Digital Inc.

MIM.V – MiMedia Holdings Inc.

NKL.V – Nickel 28 Capital Corp.

NOC.V – Norseman Silver Inc.

NOW.V – NowVertical Group Inc.

QCCU.V – QC Copper and Gold Inc.

RGD.V – Reunion Gold Corp.

ROCK.V – Rockridge Resources Ltd.

SAE.V – Sable Resources Ltd.

SGD.V – Snowline Gold Corp.

VUL.V – Vulcan Minerals Inc.

YERB/U.V – Yerbae Brands Corp.

EQX.TO – Equinox Gold Corp.

FFN.TO – Financial 15 Split Corp. II

HDIF.TO – Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF

HHL.TO – Healthcare Leaders Income ETF

HR/UN.TO – H&R Real Estate Investment Trust

IAU.TO – i-80 Gold Corp.

K.TO – Kinross Gold Corp.

KRR.TO – Karora Resources Inc.

LGD.TO – Liberty Gold Corp.

LUC.TO – Lucara Diamond Corp.

LUN.TO – Lundin Mining Corp.

PLZ/UN.TO – Plaza Retail REIT

PRV/UN.TO – PRO Real Estate Investment Trust

SVM.TO – Silvercorp Metals Inc.

TF.TO – Timbercreek Financial Corp.

TMD.TO – Titan Medical Inc.

TSK.TO – Talisker Resources Ltd.

VNP.TO – 5N Plus Inc.

ZWU.TO – BMO Covered Call Utilities ETF

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

We are not held liable or responsible for the information in press releases issued by the companies discussed in these blog. Please do your own due diligence.

Chart Scan – Oct 11, 2023

Chart Scan – Oct 11, 2023

CCB.V – Canada Carbon Inc.

CNC.V – Canada Nickel Company Inc.

CRI.V – Churchill Resources Inc.

FNR.V – 49 North Resources Inc.

GFG.V – GFG Resources Inc

GLDN.V – Golden Ridge Resources Ltd.

OMG.V – Omai Gold Mines Corp.

PGE.V – Stillwater Critical Minerals Corp.

PLAN.V – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc.

RET/A.V – Reitmans Ltd.

RHC.V – Royal Helium Ltd.

SLI.V – Standard Lithium Ltd.

TBX.V – Turmalina Metals Corp.

WFLD.V – Wellfield Technologies Inc.

HBM.TO – HudBay Minerals Inc.

HOT/UN.TO – American Hotel Income Properties REIT LP

IMG.TO – IAMGold Corp.

LEV.TO – The Lion Electric Company

LPEN.TO – Loop Energy Inc.

PEA.TO – Pieridae Energy Limited

PYR.TO – PyroGenesis Canada Inc.

RUP.TO – Rupert Resources Ltd.

SDE.TO – Spartan Delta Corp.

SOT/UN.TO – Slate Office Real Estate Investment Trust

TML.TO – Treasury Metals Inc.

VGCX.TO – Victoria Gold Corp.

VQS.TO – VIQ Solutions Inc.

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Disclaimer- By reading our newsletter you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. Owners and affiliates are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide financial advice or anything of an advisory nature. Always do your own research and/or consult with an investment professional before investing. Low priced stocks are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold us, our editor’s, owners, or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters, website, twitter, Facebook and chat. We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Our website, newsletter, twitter, Facebook and chat are for informational and educational purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. Gains mentioned in our newsletter, twitter, Facebook and on our website may be based on EOD or intraday data. We may be compensated for the production, release and awareness of this newsletter. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers, which may have a negative impact on share prices. Our emails may contain Forward Looking Statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors. We do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information on our site or in our newsletters. The information in our email newsletters, twitter, Facebook our website and chat is believed to be accurate and correct, but has not been independently verified. The information in our disclaimers is subject to change at any time without notice.

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